How can I group results in the Reports for Breakout? | XM Community
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How can I group results in the Reports for Breakout?

  • June 29, 2020
  • 1 reply

I have surveys created that request feedback on our webinars and the selection is basically "Webinar Title/Topic (Date and Time)". How can I get it so I can Break out by just the title/topic? I have tried creating Embedded Data like so, but nothing is showing up in the Webinar Topic field.
Edit_Survey___Qualtrics_Survey_Software.pngWhat am I doing wrong? What is the best approach? Is there a way to manually group? Can it only be done with new survey results?
So many questions! 😀

1 reply

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●

Hi jliebster
One of the primary reason the webinar topic variable is not capturing the data could be the position of the branch logic.
So just to check, the branch logic which you have shown in the picture is placed after the actual question, correct?

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