Question separators not appearing | XM Community
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Question separators not appearing

I would like to add question separator lines. I follow the instructions here, check the "Question Separator" box, and nothing changes in my survey.

Best answer by Anonymous

Hello @nate99 , Also, if you are not using "Display Logic" with "In-page" option and still there is no visibility of separator then, paste the following code in the Add custom Css option .Skin .Separator { height: 1px; }
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Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5926 replies
  • October 5, 2018
Make sure you refresh a couple of times after making the change. Sometimes there is a bit of a lag before things update. If they still aren't visible, use your browser's inspect feature to check the style of the separators. If they are displayed (not display:none), then it may be that they are the same color as the background (e.g. white on white). You can add custom CSS to change the separator background color.

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
Also, if you are using "Display Logic" with "In-page" option then the separator won't show up. This is the intended behavior.

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  • Answer
  • October 8, 2018
Hello @nate99 , Also, if you are not using "Display Logic" with "In-page" option and still there is no visibility of separator then, paste the following code in the Add custom Css option .Skin .Separator { height: 1px; }

  • 0 replies
  • October 8, 2018
In case, you want separator in "Display logic" with "In-page" option then paste following code to the question where you are applying display logic in js(onReady) option jQuery( "<div class='Separator'></div>" ).insertBefore( ".hidden" );

  • Author
  • 10 replies
  • October 9, 2018
Update: I contacted Qualtrics phone support, and we could not make question separators work. The agent thought it looked like a bug during transition to updated "Look and Feel" panel.

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