Is it possible to change the matrix constant sum equation to subtraction using Javascript? | XM Community
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Is it possible to change the matrix constant sum equation to subtraction using Javascript?

  • June 22, 2021
  • 1 reply


I'm using a matrix constant sum question, however, I dont want it to add all the values I would like it to subtract some of the values. For instance if i had one column and 5 rows (the 5th cell being the formula), I would like to subtract the value in the first row from the third row. E.g.
A. 1
B. 8
C. 10
D. 2
E. Total Sum = A - C
If so, does anyone know what the javascript code would be?
Many thanks

QPN Level 3 ●●●
  • QPN Level 3 ●●●
  • June 24, 2021

Yes, write code in change function, by getting the values of the required statements and then subtract it from the total sum; but before this update the value to the total sum you want e.g. 100 in OnLoad and then just keep on subtracting and update it in the same total window.

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