Make it possible to grant Translate Survey permission without Edit Questions permission | XM Community
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Make it possible to grant Translate Survey permission without Edit Questions permission

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 17 replies

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  • Current Problem: We have several standard templates, and we need to be able to give various users permission to translate them to other languages WITHOUT being able to edit the base questions. We believe this used to be possible, but it is no longer. Refer to support TicketID: SE_6E65D08771724D30

  • Current Solution (if applicable): Now we are forced to give Edit Questions permission to all the translators, who are not necessarily expert users of Qualtrics and we run the risk that some of them may accidentally edit the survey itself. We are not comfortable with this situation.

  • Possible Solution: Please separate the permission for translating questions from the permission for editing the questions in the default language. As mentioned, we are reasonably certain this used to be possible because we have been granting Translate Surveys permission for years without giving Edit Questions permission. If the user tried to Publish the survey they would get an error message, but the translation work would still be saved.

  • Purpose / Use Case: It would help us lock down our surveys and prevent accidental changes.

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