How to implement a "smiley face" single question survey using images/links in external email system? | XM Community
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How to implement a "smiley face" single question survey using images/links in external email system?

  • January 4, 2019
  • 9 replies

Hi all, I'm trying to be able to send an e-mail through my CRM that includes images (likely three "frowning / neutral / smiling" faces) in a rating scale. My goal is to allow the user to simply click one image and, once the page to which the image is linked loads, record a survey response. This would be something like the following: ! I'm fairly sure Qualtrics can do this without me resorting to some workaround involving multiple survey projects or the like. But I can't figure out even what to call this in order to search for it. Can anyone help? Thanks very much!

Best answer by bstrahin

@brendontroy I'm not familiar with building emails in CRMs. But assuming each image can have its own URL attached to it then you can use the Q_PopulateResponse to have the choice record in Qualtrics. You would use Qualtrics to confirm the QID and response recode values. Assuming the suvey is one question and keeps QID1 and that the recode values are 1, 2, 3, 4 then you would have four links to connect to the pictures built as * anonymous link with "?Q_PopulateResponse={"id":"recode value"}" added after the anonymous link. In your example that would be: star: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"1"} green: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"2"} yellow: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"3"} red: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"4"} You can add a timing question to the page and set the value for "Auto-advance after (seconds)" to 1 to get the page to automatically submit. If you are unhappy with that little of a delay in submission then you will have to explore JavaScript options.
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  • January 4, 2019
Hello @brendontroy , Please see this post

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  • January 4, 2019
> @Shashi said: > Please see this post Hi @Shashi , thanks very much for replying, but unfortunately, that post doesn't answer my question. The suggestion given in that post relates to in-line questions (in a survey project page), and I'm looking to put the images in an e-mail sent by a CRM. Thanks for your response, though, I do appreciate it.

Level 5 ●●●●●
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  • January 7, 2019
@brendontroy Check this out: You will need to add the images in Rich Content Editor instead of Inserting graphic. Hopefully it helps

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  • January 15, 2019
@MsIreen thanks very much for the response! I'll look into that method. It seems like a great alternative approach to what I'm trying to do, and I'm going to try it out. I was originally hoping to be able to send e-mails using my CRM, so that said e-mails could be sent automatically (without having to export customer data from the CRM and import into Qualtrics manually). The e-mails from the CRM would have links that would each register unique responses. If anyone has any suggestions for that approach, I would still be open. Thank you all!

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 456 replies
  • January 16, 2019
@brendontroy We use emails sent from SF with the inline question. So we don't export anything anywhere. The email text is still set up in Qualtrics. So even though the emails are triggered on Salesforce side, the system uses Qualtrics mailer for distribution. Have you checked the support pages on the topic:

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  • January 16, 2019
@brendontroy I'm not familiar with building emails in CRMs. But assuming each image can have its own URL attached to it then you can use the Q_PopulateResponse to have the choice record in Qualtrics. You would use Qualtrics to confirm the QID and response recode values. Assuming the suvey is one question and keeps QID1 and that the recode values are 1, 2, 3, 4 then you would have four links to connect to the pictures built as * anonymous link with "?Q_PopulateResponse={"id":"recode value"}" added after the anonymous link. In your example that would be: star: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"1"} green: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"2"} yellow: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"3"} red: anonymous link + ?Q_PopulateResponse={"QID1":"4"} You can add a timing question to the page and set the value for "Auto-advance after (seconds)" to 1 to get the page to automatically submit. If you are unhappy with that little of a delay in submission then you will have to explore JavaScript options.

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  • January 17, 2019
@MsIreen thank you! We don't have SalesForce in my division, but it is good to know that there's that integration if we ever look at it again or if I advise colleagues who do have it. I appreciate the reply.

Level 5 ●●●●●
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  • January 17, 2019
> @bstrahin said: > > You would use Qualtrics to confirm the QID and response recode values. Assuming the suvey is one question and keeps QID1 and that the recode values are 1, 2, 3, 4 then you would have four links to connect to the pictures built as anonymous link with "?Q_PopulateResponse={"id":"recode value"}" added after the anonymous link. > You can add a timing question to the page and set the value for "Auto-advance after (seconds)" to 1 to get the page to automatically submit. If you are unhappy with that little of a delay in submission then you will have to explore JavaScript options. This is brilliant! Exactly what I needed for something else. Thank you so much!

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  • January 17, 2019
@bstrahin thank you so much for the reply! You're so helpful. Following your advice plus using Javascript to auto-submit the page, plus a descriptive question (above the "smiley face" question, in case the page takes a while to load and submit) and custom end of survey page both thanking the user, have made my project perfect. Thank you again, really appreciate it. For those reading this in the future, I got the necessary Javascript from this thread, where the correct answer was submitted by none other than the incredibly helpful @bstrahin (haha).

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