Learning resources for Stats iQ, looking for recommendations | XM Community
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Learning resources for Stats iQ, looking for recommendations

  • February 19, 2020
  • 6 replies

Level 2 ●●
Hi, I'm one week into digging into Stats iQ, so far so good. I found some nice resourses from Qualtrics, but wanted to see if a live person has some additional suggestions. Hopefully we'll have Text iQ shortly, so I'll post on that separately. For the most part I'm good on understanding statistical analysis, having wrestled with SPSS for a year, and being a Business Intelligence person by trade. Here are the links I'm working through, so any suggestions are most welcome! - Basecamp: Using Stats iQ to Analyze Data - Stats iQ Basics - Data and Analysis Overview - Communicating Findings Effectively Anything outside the box is great too, just not TOO crazy ... :D

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Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
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  • February 20, 2020
@WilliamPeckUSNA All of those resources are a good start. As an SPSS user myself, the stats package in Stats IQ is quite intuitive to use (more so even than SPSS). I've found that just playing with/experimenting with the data is often the best way to learn about different features. It's also worth noting that the Crosstabs function is *separate* from the StatsIQ function (in other words, on a separate tab) -- so I would study that function separately as part of your survey of the help function. Again, it's pretty intuitive.

Level 2 ●●
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  • Level 2 ●●
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  • February 20, 2020
@AdamK12 very good, thx. My SPSS work is a great precursor to Qualtrics, so it's not all in vain ... :D ... SPSS is very sophisticated and elegant, but it's overkill for what we do. Good on the Crosstabs note, I see that now. I'll be digging into that as well, but at first glance, it looks intuitive like everything else. BUT - now back to my earlier post, "How to best distribute results to users" - - - at first glance at Crosstabs, my immediate question is, how do I "integrate" the results into Stats iQ? Or do I have to dump the Stats iQ results to Excel, same with Crosstabs, and then start jiggling with the results? It doesn't look like it's one "canvas", like in Business Objects Web Intelligence reporting tool where it's literally a blank canvas where you can put in all manner of objects, charts, crosstabs, etc.

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 298 replies
  • February 20, 2020
@WilliamPeckUSNA Glad to help! If I understand you correctly, here are some thoughts: You can export StatsIQ results directly into Excel if you want -- there's an "Export" button at the top right of the screen. You can also use a Web connector to export the data into another application. We do this into Tableau, and we're also figuring out how to do it into Google BigQuery. I'm assuming you can also use a web data connector with Amazon RedShift. I don't know Business Objects, but you can probably check with someone who does to see how you would connect. I feel like that's a challenge across the data landscape -- that there are lots of different sources and also lots of dataviz/analysis choices, so there's really not a single "canvas" for anything. I love that expression though...

Level 2 ●●
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  • Level 2 ●●
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  • February 20, 2020
@AdamK12 - thx again. Ok on exporting Stats iQ. Good on Tableau. Business Objects is in the same market space, but Tableau gets a better grade on "data visualization". BigQuery - interesting, BIG! RedShift - also BIG! - both out of our league and not necessary, but interesting. FYI - Salesforce (which we do have) has "Big Objects", also for Big Data. But good, I'm in my 2nd week now of learning Stats iQ, I'll be back! But I like what I see, for sure.

I've been told that we could only use the text set variable type for our embedded data. This makes it so the embedded data does work for analysis in reports in Qualtrics, but requires recoding if we use SPSS or any software outside of Qualtrics. We're experiencing issues with departments who have to recode using SPSS. I think I found a work around with creating new variables under Bucketing and adding new columns to the data. Just trying to see if there is a better way. Thanks, Erica M.

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 298 replies
  • February 24, 2020
Hi, @Erica_Discovery8403 -- yes, I just figured out how to do this in Text IQ. (Note: the TextIQ functions in Stats IQ and Vocalize are independent, so you have to use them separately. But you can do the following: 1. Create a new variable in Vocalize in which the system imports raw text from an embedded data field (in my case, it was from the current page, the page where the survey intercept fired). 2. In the Text IQ function in Vocalize, create topics to code the records in your embedded data field. Also, if you are using SPSS, SAS, Tableau, or a similar analytical field, you could use an ETL tool to create a data environment incorporating other data types. Hope that helps, Adam

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