A workaround for the disappearing "edit multiple"? | XM Community
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A workaround for the disappearing "edit multiple"?

When editing a multiple choice question, the "edit multiple" is much faster to use than editing each option individually. In addition to being faster, the "edit multiple" allows me to edit things in a text editor, and it allows me to copy and paste easily from other sources. "Edit multiple" is pro-level. Unfortunately, Qualtrics takes "edit multiple" away if you've collected any responses for the questionnaire. Inexplicably, Qualtrics doesn't turn it back on even if you *copy* that survey into a new survey with 0 responses. They know about this behavior ("Attention: The Edit Multiple feature is disabled as soon as you collect data on your survey. This is to prevent invalidation of your data. If you copy a survey where this feature has been disabled, the copy will also not contain the Edit Multiple feature." Source: https://www.qualtrics.com/support/survey-platform/survey-module/editing-questions/formatting-questions/) I'm looking for a workaround for the disappearing "edit multiple" option. I've tried copying the q're to the library and making a new q're from that, but no joy. I've also tried exporting the survey to a .qsf file and tweaking it in a text editor, but my sleuthing to find the right thing to tweak wasn't successful. Does anybody have a workaround for this frustrating problem?

Best answer by mattyb513

Hmm, did you search for that term? It should be the only case of it. It should be right at the bottom there: !
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Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 163 replies
  • July 14, 2018
In the .qsf export there is an object for Survey Options. Under its payload, there is a key called `ProtectSelectionIds` that is set to `true`. You can set that to `false` or eliminate the property altogether. You likely know, but for others' benefit, the .qsf is a standard JSON representation of the survey. After you have completed the change, you can reimport the .qsf, creating a new survey.

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  • July 14, 2018
You're giving me hope. If you can solve this, I'm going to put up a statue in our city park to your name. > @mattyb513 said: > In the .qsf export there is an object for Survey Options. Under its payload, there is a key called `ProtectSelectionIds` that is set to `true`. You can set that to `false` or eliminate the property altogether. I exported a .qsf file from a survey that had responses and "edit multiple" had been disabled. I opened the .qsf file in a text editor, and I see the Survey Options object. However, I don't find "ProtectSelectionIds" (or anything like it) in the file. What am I doing wrong?

Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
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  • Answer
  • July 15, 2018
Hmm, did you search for that term? It should be the only case of it. It should be right at the bottom there: !

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  • July 16, 2018
I figured it out! My workflow is to copy previous q'res and modify them for new purposes. I've been doing that for years with Qualtrics. I suspect the q're I used for testing was from some sort of earlier build with Qualtrics. I tested this by repeating the process I described for a newly created file, and it works like a charm. Success! I'm so happy. Thank you very much. Not all heroes wear capes.

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  • July 16, 2018
Well, I wanted to document the process, so I've done some further playing with it, and the "ProtectSelectionIds" property isn't reliably there. And I'm talking about surveys with "edit multiple" removed. Here's what I've done a few times: I created a new survey, added a single question, published it, opened the link in incognito mode, took the q're, and back in the original window refreshed my Qualtrics account. The survey has 1 completed survey and "edit multiple" is removed. So, I've created a pristine test case, right? I then exported the .qsf file and searched for "ProtectSelectionIds", and it's not found. I then searched for "NewScoring", which is the property immediately *before* "ProtectSelectionIds" on your screen grab. "NewScoring" was found, and that's the end of the properties list in the payload. I repeated the process a few times, and it was the same. "NewScoring" is reliably there, but "ProtectSelectionIds" is not reliably there. I definately saw it once or twice, but I can't make it show up reliably. Do you have any insight to offer me?

  • 1 reply
  • February 25, 2019
@ederosia You will probably have figured out a solution by now, but for anyone who might come across this: when the "ProtectSelectionIds" property is not there, you can add it manually in the .qsf file, right after "NewScoring" and "SurveyName". You can use any text editor to do this. Then you can save the file and import it in a new survey, and the Edit Multiple option will be there.

  • 1 reply
  • November 24, 2019
Does anyone know if there were any other workarounds for this? I fail to understand how a so called tech company fails to fix this feature on a copied project. It will cost me hours to re-do a survey and to be honest having to hack the code seems to me like a "I really do not care about the customer experience" type of solution... when tech trumps the customer.

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  • May 1, 2020

Hello, this forum was very useful to get the "edit multiple" back to my survey. As it took me a while to figure out what I had to do, I will write a step by step here:
1) Export your own survey on qsf. format (Qualtrics format)
2) Open this file in your computer using any text editor
3) Once opened, search for the term "Protect" then you will be looking for a term called "ProtectSelectionIds": true
4) Once you find this term, delete the word "true" from it and change it to "false"
5) Save the file
6) Create a new project on Qualtrics using the option "From a file"
8) Use your edited qsf. file to create that survey
9) Once you open this new survey, you will have the "edit multiple" again! It's fantastic.
Thank you everyone.😊


It is completely unacceptable that this is the "workaround", after more than two years.

  • 1 reply
  • October 22, 2021

My low-tech hack that just worked for me was to create a new survey in Qualtrics. I added a new question within that test survey (in my case it was a multiple choice question with 1000 choices so much easier to use the edit multiple feature). Then in my survey that was copied from an already deployed survey, I just imported my new question (Import Library --> My Surveys --> Test survey --> then select the question you want).


@Ana, Thank you so much for laying out those step-by-step instructions!!!! That was SO helpful and solved the issue. I’d just like to point out that it is now January 2024 and has been FIVE YEARS since the original post here. 


Qualtrics, DO BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!


Eternally grateful for this community. I would be crying in a corner if not for you!! 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you again from 2025 🍸