Wondering if anyone else is worried about the impending depracation of Triggers? I do a LOT of workflow using Qualtrics. It's proven to be a GREAT tool for Business Process Automation! But a lot of that is possible due to Trigger Emails and Contact List Triggers. Specifically the ability to share data between forms using Contact Lists - seeded and updated using the Contact List trigger. Currently I have a case open with Qualtrics because the Contact List Action isn't firing or not updating the information properly.
Where I get really worried is the lack of functionality. I would have assumed that updates to a new item would improve functionality, not remove it. In the case of Legacy Reports going away, we will lose a means of seeing choices selected when those choices were pulled in from a contact list. In that same vein it looks like we're losing functionality between Action Emails and Trigger EmailsAm I missing any differences? Did you realize the differences? Am I the only one worried?
I'm worried as well. I think both Actions and Triggers are needed
I am also concerned about this change. I have triggers with a reply all piped in text feature that is not available via Actions. I agree KatherineD they need to keep both features!
Yes. My feeling is that Qualtrics should delay deprecation until Actions have all the functionality of Triggers. I also have an open issue/ticket related to Trigger functionality that is missing from Actions.
Related threads:
I also agree. Tagging LaurenK as an administrator of this platform. I know that I use triggers but we aren't good at keeping track of all our projects so I am not even 100% sure all of the paces that I have triggers that need converted to actions. If one is missed then this can mess up our registration systems (e.g. participants won't get their confirmation email with information on how to follow through with payment YIKES!).
LaurenK is there somewhere else on this platform we should be discussing this so that we aren't just talking among ourselves and it can be taken up the chain/followed so we know if there is going to be a reconsideration or claim.
I don't understand the reasoning for changing from a trigger to an action for emails. It is just making more work to replace a working process with a seemingly identical capability but because it's in a different module the information isn't automatically carrying over for us.
Not to mention the lack of a contact list trigger will completely break all pre- and post-self assessments that I have set up at the university. Very disappointing as these are helpful tools for deeper learning and a student-centric service we offer.
Hi all! Thanks for tagging me in this post and bringing it to my attention! First, I'm so sorry for any inconveniences this upcoming deprecation is causing you or your teams. I've asked each of your respective Customer Success Representatives to connect with you through your Brand Administrator (if you are not one)! If you do not hear from them in the coming days, please send me a direct message right here on the community and I'd be happy to reach out again. Thanks!
Within actions in tickets, there are only two questions types I can select to place into the ticket. (Single-select multiple choice, and text)
Hoping Qualtrics will add the capability to add a multi-select question to this list.
For example, when using tickets to follow-up with detractors, I have the sales person select any referrals that came as a result of the call. Sometimes there are more than one, and it is necessary to select more than one.
When tracking these tickets in the dashboard, open text is not ideal to use.
Thank you!
Hi all! I wanted to jump back in here and let you know that after further consideration, the deprecation of triggers will be moved to early 2021. Our product team will be taking the time to review the concerns you've voiced, and will be making changes / improvements to address your feedback.
https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/29700#Comment_29700Thanks for the update Lauren. Seems like a sound decision.
LaurenK Thanks again Lauren. Another thing I noticed today different for Contact List Triggers...
Contact List Trigger: Can use only the ExternalDataReference to match the row (data) in the Contact List,
Action Contact List: Has to include the email. In the triggers, one or the other was good enough.
We are encountering a problem similar to the one mentioned by mklubeck. In academic research we often specifically do NOT want name and email address in the contact list for confidentiality reasons; we use only ExternalDataReference, which links back to some other data source. We need to be able to update contact list info based only on the ExternalDataReference without required matching on First Name and Last Name and email. I just tried putting a dummy "placeholder" of John Doe with a fictitious email address in all my contact list entries and and putting those values in the First Name, Last Name, and email address fields (literally putting in the alpha, not using piping) in the Action to update the contact list record, but it did not work; instead of updating the record with matching ExternalDataReference, it created a NEW contact in the list--which means now I have duplicate records under that ExternalDataReference instead of an updated record. Totally not workable. Can we please be sure that Actions really and truly does have this and ALL other Trigger functionality before Triggers are deprecated? Triggers are very, very widely used at my large university. I am Brand Administrator and will convey this to my CS rep as well. Thanks.
https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/32502#Comment_32502Confirming that I have passed this along to the team.
Hi I am a newbie in academics and just built a grading system heavily dependent on triggered emails. If this is going away I need to know now as I was planning a 1/3/2021 launch Thank you, Carol
The rumor/threat is that they will eventually go away. Besides Qualtrics warning/telling us that it will, if you have any issues with your triggers, Q-Support will suggest you move them to Actions (Now called Workflow). So, you can definitely launch with confidence on 1/3, BUT if you have any issues with the triggers in the future, you'll need to transition them to Workflows.
I've been (strongly) recommending that my users (I'm a brand admin) create their "triggers" in the Workflow tool and NOT use the "Triggers." So, I recommend that you move yours to workflow ASAP, so if you have any problems in the future you can get help from Q-Support if needed.
Happy New year
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