Is there a way to create surveys that build on previous surveys taken? | XM Community
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We have a three part activity that participants complete and it builds on info entered in the last sheet completed. Is there a way to do this in qualtrics with three separate surveys, where the information needed is brought in from a previous survey entry automatically? They are completed during different weeks, thus the need to make them separate.
Easily or straight forward, no. You would need to use the Get Responses API call to get the previous responses, parse that out in some web app. you build and then either pull those responses into the subsequent surveys via the survey flow web service or something similar depending on what your workflow looks like as far as how your respondents receive the links to the surveys. Other than pulling previous responses through the web service of the survey flow, the only other option I am aware of would be passing the previous responses through the query string of the survey link (but that would present problems with participants having the option to change the query string responses). If there are better ways I would be interested in hearing them.
I have done this before using Contact List Triggers. I wasn't sure if this was best practice or not, but hearing there is no good way I will throw out how I have done this. The advantage of this is that you don't have to be a programmer and deal with API.

Survey 1

* Can distribute this by anonymous link or contact list, whichever you want (if you do an anonymous link, make sure you are getting an email address inside of the survey to use to deploy surveys 2 and 3)

1. Under Tools select Triggers - Contact List Triggers

2. Then Add Trigger (add respondent to contact list on survey complete)

3. Create a contact list - I would call this something like SurveyOneCompletes

4. Assign the fields (if you used a contact list to send then you will just choose the same variables from 'Recipent Info', otherwise pick the question or leave as none - you at least need the email though)

5. Then click to add additional fields, name variables and set the Question Response Value for those that you want to carry forward

6. Save Trigger

Survey 2

1. Distribute from SurveyOneCompletes contact list

2. In your survey flow, the first element should be Set Embedded Data calling all of the variables you passed through to the contact list.

3. Again set up a contact list trigger to pull through the variables you want available in survey 3 (following steps 1-6 above)

* In step 3, assume you call the contact list SurveyTwoCompletes

Survey 3

1. Distribute from SurveyTwoCompletes contact list

2. Set Survey Flow as described above

* There is no need to set a contact list trigger as this is the end of your series

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