Move to Blocks after TOC | XM Community
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Move to Blocks after TOC

  • September 22, 2024
  • 1 reply


TL, DR: Need to use TOC function for respondent convenience, but also need blocks after and outside of TOC. How can respondents move on from TOC blocks to other blocks without completing all TOC blocks?


Hello. I have a survey that requires embedded data which is limiting the TOC features I can use. So, here’s the big picture: The survey asks different questions for each of 24 different services a respondent might offer. For each service I have an input block where they enter data like how many people served, how much money invested, etc. Then I have an embedded data block calculating variables from that input data (e.g., cost per person, percent of people who reported improvement). We then have an outcomes block where the calculated values are displayed and the individual can indicate it matches their calculations or not. We added the embedded data block to enable us to use the round command in what respondents see, so I would live to avoid pushing all the inputs and calculated outcomes into one block.

My problems: (1) No respondent offers all 24 services, so no one needs to complete all 24 blocks in the TOC. (2) I cannot figure out a routing/display option where the respondent can indicate they have completed all the blocks and are ready to move out of the TOC blocks to the review outcome blocks. (3) The respondents generally have a low comfort level with technology and are under-resourced in tracking their own inputs, so they want (need?) to be able to move around input blocks as opposed to being forced through sequentially. I previously had this and a “choose all that apply” question for services offered that routed sequentially through blocks and only displayed the selected service types.

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Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1449 replies
  • September 23, 2024

Not sure if this would help but you can try having TOC inside a TOC.

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