I am currently in the course of checking my open topics and providing some answer in case I found a solution meanwhile. In order to separate test and production data in the EX context, you can follow two approaches:
- Of course, the best way would be to have different Qualtrics tenants. This would be most secure but it might affect your licensing. It would need to be discussed with the account executive. This approach would require to configure everything in more than one system (additional effort). Furthermore, if you have some integrations, you would need to make sure that they point to the right tenant/directory.
- Otherwise, you could go with a metadata field “System” which has values such as “DEV”, “QAS” or “PRD”. Within your integration/import automation you would need to make sure that the system value is correctly set based on from which source system the data is integration. The custom metadata could be easily used to restrict your projects to test or production data only (e.g. while participant import or for dashboard filters).
We started with the 2nd approach, however, to be even more secure, we will probably introduce a separate instance for testing purpose only.