Feedback on structure of tracking key partner information | XM Community

Feedback on structure of tracking key partner information


Hi All,
I am designing a system where I am trying to track key information about partners our organization is working with and I am unsure if what I have mapped out is the most optimal use of XM Directory. Any feedback would be great!
Within the XM Directory each partner organization would be a contact. With that, there are two inputs that we need 1) Internal and 2) External. Using a survey for both of these either the partner or our staff will input various fields of information that are dynamic about the partner across time via two surveys. Via a workflow these surveys would then be logged as interactions for each partner's contact within the directory and also update key embed fields, such as count of partners participants. Lastly, and this is where I am most uncertain due to my use of dashboards being my weak point, utilizing these logged interactions we would create a dashboard that would show how the information collected across interactions has changed.

Please let me know if I can clarify or provide further detail!

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +18

aciampaglio - Thanks for elaborating on your setup. The setup seems fine if you intend to submit these two interactions only once. However, let's say the internal and external submissions are to happen multiple times, won't it overwrite the previous submissions' embedded data within the XM directory on each new submission?
Having said that, not sure if that is even a problem for you so solve as it is completely dependent on the data being collected.
With respect to dashboards, you should be all set in terms of X-Data, the issue if any would be around O-Data.
Let me know if I need to elaborate any further. 🙂


Thanks for your response. We do hope to collect at multiple times and that was my concern. Due to that, would it be better to split the collection of X and O data, then uniting them when doing analysis or dashboards?

Userlevel 4
Badge +18 - Your 'X' data will be automatically collected against a new response for each submission. Your 'O' data can be updated within the survey flow for each submission so that the new/updated embedded data is available on dashboards to compare data over time.

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