I want to do a Loop and Merge but have it NOT select some of the responses.
Question 1:
What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Select all that apply.
*American Football
*Other (with open text field)
Question 2
Who is your favorite team for [Loop and Merge]?
I do not want the Loop and Merge to ask for Boxing, MMA, Tennis, or Other. So if baseball and Boxing are both selected, it will not matter what go to baseball. Or if someone says Hockey, MMA, and Soccer, it will only choose between hockey and soccer.
STEP 2: Create a loop and merge block and the respective question in it, which will have a display logic and an extra field created in the loop and merge setup. Refer below images.
The setup will be based on the Q1 selected choices. Create a new field - field 2 and only fill the values that you want to be displayed while keep the rest of them empty.Add a display logic on the question which says that Q2 will only be displayed for specific loops. Please select the respective loops of your choice and the setup is ready.
STEP 2: Create a loop and merge block and the respective question in it, which will have a display logic and an extra field created in the loop and merge setup. Refer below images.
The setup will be based on the Q1 selected choices. Create a new field - field 2 and only fill the values that you want to be displayed while keep the rest of them empty.Add a display logic on the question which says that Q2 will only be displayed for specific loops. Please select the respective loops of your choice and the setup is ready.
I want to do a Loop and Merge but have it NOT select some of the responses.
Question 1:
What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Select all that apply.
*American Football
*Other (with open text field)
Question 2
Who is your favorite team for [Loop and Merge]?
I do not want the Loop and Merge to ask for Boxing, MMA, Tennis, or Other. So if baseball and Boxing are both selected, it will not matter what go to baseball. Or if someone says Hockey, MMA, and Soccer, it will only choose between hockey and soccer.