Released On Or Before May 3, 2023
Brand Administration
OAuth 2.0: You can now add OAuth 2.0 SSO connections for your organization, including Google.
Retention Policies Updates: You can now anonymize any embedded data fields in your directory, not just a few preset fields.
- Scheduling Retention Policies: When setting up a retention policy, Brand Admins can specify if the policy should run daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
CX Dashboards
CX Dashboard Sharing Updates: Updates to the logic used when sharing CX Dashboard projects, including how users and dashboard permissions are displayed when adding Project Administrators as individual dashboard users.
Deprecated Widgets: There is now a schedule for when deprecated widgets will be removed from the creation menu. This will only affect what new widgets you can create, not existing widgets you have in your dashboard.
Selecting Multiple Org Hierarchy Units: This feature is now compatible with current unit comparisons.
Employee Record Access Control: New feature for EX directory admins to control the participant data available to project administrators when importing participants from the directory.
Reporting SDK Plugin: This plugin allows partners to use the Developer Portal to build custom widgets that can be added to any Qualtrics dashboard.
XM Directory
Filtering Directory Contacts By Date: When filtering directory contacts by date fields, you can now filter “before,” “between,” and “on or after.”
Search Bar Within Automations: There is now a search bar within the Automations tab in XM Directory, allowing you to search for existing automations by name or ID.
- XMD Sampling with Survey & Email Activity: You can now create samples of contacts based on activity for a specific survey within a specific time range. This behavior is also available within XM Directory Automations.
XM Platform
- Project Approval: Project approvals can now be set at either a brand level or division level.
XM Solutions
Location Data Management: You can now create one source of truth for all location-specific data, and then easily reference it on a survey using our new location selector question.
Team Voice: The EX custom solution Team Voice has been deprecated.
XM Solutions EX for K-12 Education: A new solution focusing on measuring and optimizing the teacher experience to increase teacher retention, improve school climate, and drive impact.
ETL Workflows: A streamlined, guided setup for ETL workflows has been added to the Workflows page.
Extract Employee Data from SuccessFactors Task: Update to the extract employee data from SuccessFactors task in Workflows. The task now displays a preview of your data import. Additional error messages have been added to help with troubleshooting common errors.
Extract Run History Reports from Workflows Task: Update to the extract run history reports from workflows task. You now have more flexibility in choosing which workflows you’d like to be included in your export.
- Updates to Add Contacts and Transactions to XMD Task: Data sources for this task now have a limit of 500 MB.
- Workflow Run History: The run history for workflows has been updated. You can now drill down into each task in a workflow run to view more information about that specific workflow run.
New Support Pages
Response Reports: We will be retiring report.php links in the future. See our migration guide for solutions to common scenarios where this link may appear in your projects. A date of deprecation has not been set yet, but will be communicated in advance.

Starting On & After May 10, 2023
Text iQ
Text iQ Interface Update and Hierarchical Topics: The interface for Text iQ has been updated. Additionally, you can now create hierarchical topics with up to 5 levels to show the complex relationships between related topics. This feature will begin rolling out May 10, 2023. All customers will have the feature enabled by May 23, 2023.
XM Solutions
EX25 for Healthcare XM Solution: This solution measures the key indicators and topics that drive the employee experience in healthcare, and contains a pre-made survey, message, dashboard, and guided action plans. This enables healthcare organizations to gain insight into the experience of their workforce and mitigate friction points that impact employee retention.
Starting On & After May 17, 2023
CX Dashboards
Record Table Widget: Introducing new and improved column formatting for dates, durations, and links.
Importing a CSV as a CX Dashboard Source: The ability to import a CSV as a data source in CX Dashboards has been deprecated. Imported data projects should be used to import CSV data and map to CX Dashboards. For more information, see Importing Data as a CX Dashboard Source.
Video Response Question Updates: This question type now includes the option to submit audio-only recordings. This setting can be enabled for individual questions.
XM Directory
XM Directory Contact Data as a Dashboard Datasource: You can now use XM Directory contact data as a datasource within your dashboards.
XM Solutions
EXM Exit Feedback Solution: This new EX solution contains an exit survey that enables you to gather experience insights, identify areas for improvement, and summarize key values and takeaways before employees leave your company. This solution provides a survey, dashboard, and communication template.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.
If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request.
If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.
You can provide feedback on the Monthly Product Release Notes here.