Carry forward selected choices from two questions into a third | XM Community
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Hello! In my survey, I have two multiple-choice multiple selection questions, followed by a third question where I want to be able to carry forward all selected choices both from question 1 and from question 2. For example:

  1. Among these players, where do you normally shop in physical retail stores? (20+ answers)

  2. Among these players, where do you normally shop online? (20+ answers)

  3. Among the places where you shop, how familiar are you with their offerings of product X? (Likert table where first column should have all selected choices from 1 and 2)

Currently (as far as I know), I can only carry forward from one of the two questions. Is there a way of doing carrying forward from multiple questions into one?

Yeah. Its not possible.
You could probably look at having two question one after the other, each carrying forward choices from the earlier two, and not having a question in the second one. This will be make it look somewhat like one long question with options from both.

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