One Survey, Multiple takers | XM Community
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So I didn't have luck searching it. I am trying to create a survey that accomplishes the following things

One survey that has 3 blocks (Clinic, Didactic and Research) in each block there are five short answer questions.

What I would like is that one professor can fill out one of the questions in each section and submit, and the only person who sees their answers are them and each other professor can fill out their own questions.

I am not sure if this makes sense but essentially it is for a review. So I want each of 1 of 5 professors to be able to give their answers and they all remain on one survey.
Hi, this is hard for me to follow.

Can you share who your different users are: Professor 1-5?

Do you just want to show a different question to each user?

Do you want other users to see previous responses within their survey?

Maybe walk us through a flow with an example.
So What I am hoping is that I can send Professor 1-5 a survey link showing them their question. No one needs to see anyone elses answers. I just want them all on one survey, and be able to answer them at their own time frame.

So say I send Professor 1-5 their survey.

Professor 1, 2, 3 take it on monday

professor 4 takes it tuesday

and professor 5 takes it friday.

Or they can all take it monday etc. Is there a way to do that?
Are professor 1's questions different than professor 2?
Yes, each professor has their own question.
Hi @Amaraian if I'm understanding you correctly, I think you could address this using a survey action. You would set it up to send an email when a survey response is submitted. You can set the email address using embedded data, or you could ask the respondent to provide their email in a survey question and pull that information in from that question. Then you just want to select the box at the bottom to Include Response Report.

So basically what this would do is allow you to store all your data in one survey in Qualtrics but each respondent would receive an email summary of their own response.
Yes, what @ClairJ said will send them their responses. To show different questions you can use display logic based on embedded data. You can either set the embedded data in the distribution or giving them a question which would then dictate which questions they show.

Let us know if you need help figuring out either.
Yes, what @MattBroffman_Orlando said too! 🙂 I didn't see the updated conversation before posting. Good luck!

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