Unlock Pseudonymization Benefits - Generally Available Employee Response Pseudonymization | XM Community
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Unlock Pseudonymization Benefits - Generally Available Employee Response Pseudonymization

  • August 31, 2023
  • 1 reply

Qualtrics Employee

To stay compliant with employee data rules from works councils, or privacy laws such as GDPR, many organizations need to ensure that the processing of survey responses cannot be attributed to an individual employee in order to maintain confidentiality and trust.

With Qualtrics' recent release of the EX Pseudonymization tab, organizations can expand their employee listening, while adhering to internal employee data policies and external data privacy regulations.

Brands with EX licenses that include Engagement, Lifecycle or Ad Hoc Employee Research can now set a brand-level policy to automatically pseudonymize personal identifying data from employee surveys as soon as it is being collected, such that survey responses can no longer be attributed to an individual employee. 



This new capability will help organizations:

  • Mitigate risk associated with GDPR compliance, long-drawn Works Council buy-in, and data security.
  • Reduce total program cost with in-house data analysis, while satisfying data privacy and IT security requirements.

If you’re a Brand Administrator and would like the EX Pseudonymization tab enabled in your account, please contact your Qualtrics account team.


1 reply

  • 6 replies
  • March 18, 2024

Just did this for our brand. I have a question @JuanBotta  once you save the changes, and applied. Is this something can be turned off in case if we need to? Is it as simple as clicking on the don’t Pseudonymization Policy responses automatically radio button and save changes again?

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