Attendance Tracking with Qualtrics | XM Community

Attendance Tracking with Qualtrics

  • 3 August 2023
  • 8 replies

Badge +2


When attending an event, is there a way to setup a form that can import data from a student’s campus ID card via an old fashioned card swipe? If so, can that date be imported into the Canvas LMS?

This can be done using excel/SQL, but I am looking for an efficient solution.

Thanks in advance.


8 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Unless if entered manually and stored in database, I don’t think Qualtrics can save ID data automatically.

Userlevel 7
Badge +33

If I'm understanding it correctly, you want to populated the student data respective to their SId. Right?

Badge +2

Hello, Gentleman.

Apologies for not getting back to you in a timely manner.

What I need is their data from their ID card (name and identification number - with time stamp) to be dumped into an excel file. If possible, I need the data to be uploaded to Canvas, but I can deal with that later. I read something about survey flow. Would that need to be something I should look at?


Userlevel 5
Badge +8

@jjohnston If you want data to be pulled from a master database then you can use the Authenticator to populate the data. Let me know if that’s not the case.

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

@rgupta15 is there a way to pull the data from SSO system (CAS).  We are looking for the same information that @jjohnston was looking for.


Good Morning,


Was this issue resolved? I would like to use Student ID card swipe for an attendance/check in Qualtrics form. Is this possible? What would be the necessary steps for this integration?



Userlevel 5
Badge +13

@tom.terrill sounds like it cannot be done.  The department that was looking for it in my campus decided to stay on their old system.

Badge +2

@jjohnston If you want data to be pulled from a master database then you can use the Authenticator to populate the data. Let me know if that’s not the case.

Hello @rgupta15 . I am looking to populate a master database then 3 subsequent 2nd tier databases using a barcode scanner. Using their student IDs, students who attend class scan in and scan out (this is a very large lecture hall class), thus recording their attendance. The class attendance is quite a bit more complicated, but this is the basic need I am searching for. This can be done through Excel, but it is VERY clunky, and my macro chops are not what they should be.

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