🌎️ World Environment Day | Badge of the Month | June 2024 | XM Community
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During the first week of each month, we will post a new question, topic, or activity for you to connect with the community and earn a badge. All community members who join our team and contribute a thoughtful comment to this month’s discussion, between June 1 and June 30, will receive this badge worth 50 points by the end of the month. 


Badge of the Month | June 2024



  • How do you enjoy the environment? Examples: nature-inspired activity, outing, etc. Feel free to share images!

  • Or, what eco-friendly efforts have you integrated into your life?


Celebrated on June 5th, World Environment Day is the largest global platform promoting environmental protection. World Environment Day was created in 1973 by the United Nations Environment Programme.

I'm lucky enough to live near a forest, so I regularly take my dogs for walks in the woods to connect with nature and hear the relaxing sounds it makes. 🌳

I also try to make small, gradual changes in my daily life. For example, I bring a reusable glass when I go to a coffee shop or use products with in-store refill options. 

I try and take advantage of the state parks whenever and wherever I can.  I also prefer to run outside unless the weather is especially bad as it helps decrease my stress levels.

One thing I have been hyper aware of lately is fast fashion after seeing a poster at our local art gallery that listed all of the ways it hurts the environment.  I try to buy most of my clothes second hand or to recycle more of my looks instead of rushing out to buy something new.

I also keep a personal separate recycling can here in the office for the many (many) cans of sparkling water I consume.

My kids are at the ages that they love parks and playgrounds, so we often frequent our local parks!  I keep garbage bags in our vehicle so we can help clean up any garbage that we find while playing.  Our city is also awesome and has a clean-up day each year to kick off summer and people sign up to help clean up garbage, fix up playground equipment and other public areas.

I find that time in nature and the outdoors recharges me, so I run 3-4 times a week, and on days I don’t run I walk the dog along the local creek. I also walk to and from work on the days I’m in the office to cut down on my environmental impact. 

Every morning I ride a city bike to work. 

Fortunately, I use the route to work where I can refresh myself for 30 minutes while enjoying nature, such as grass, trees, birds, and sun, with a large river next to me from the front of my house to the front door of the company.

I'm lucky that I can feel nature alive with my sight, hearing, smell, and touch every morning.

In particular, from May to June, there are many sunny days and the temperature is moderate, so it is perfect for nature.

Spending time in nature truly energizes me. Whenever I have the chance, I love going for rides to hill stations. There's something incredibly calming about being surrounded by nature, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The fresh air, the scenic views, and the tranquility of the hills help me to relax and rejuvenate. It allows me to clear my mind and recharge my energy.

I stay in urban area with very less access to nature so a effort from my end to contribute to environment:

Propagation is also which I love to do:




I love living in Mexico City since there´s always something to do and love the chaos. However, when I need to relax I head over to Parque Mexico (pictured above) for a walk or to hang out. I also prefer taking public transportation or walking as my preferred method of transportation to lessen my carbon footprint.

I love the outdoors, gardening 🍅🥒🍓, camping 🏕️, and kayaking 🛶.  During the summer we are at the lake camping with friends in our RV and during the week I spend as much time as I can in the garden.  I have several hummingbird feeders and enjoy watching them when I happen to be taking a break outside. 


I enjoy going out to explore the natural areas near where I live. One hour from my city is the Cofre de Perote, one of the highest mountains in Mexico, it is a national park, so climbing that mountain is always a great experience.
I have also joined different trips to take care of endangered animals such as certain species of turtles and the famous monarch butterfly.

This is what I like the most about living in Mexico, there is always nature surrounding you and many ways to take care of it 🌎


I work from home in a suburban community with lots of trees and walking paths through the woods so I take advantage of these at least once a day.  As a family, we love to be active outdoors and spend a lot of time at the beach in the summer. We have a big vegetable garden and try to hang out the laundry as often as possible to save on using the dryer.

I like to enjoy the outdoors by doing obstacle course races. My latest was the Spartan Super in Austin, TX. I have 3 more planned this year. The rest of the year, I spend training for these races. I spend alot of time running outside to get acclimated for the races and there is also an  outdoor gym nearby that I work out to keep myself used to exercising in the Texas heat. 


Every possible weekend, you'll find me out in the wild, soaking up all the beauty nature has to offer. Whether it's trekking through forests, camping under the stars, or taking a refreshing dip in a lake, I'm all about it.

There's something magical about cooking outdoors, swapping stories with fellow adventurers, and just enjoying the peace and quiet.

Nature's my happy place, and I can't get enough of it!

Check out this photo from my recent night trek in India, where we were greeted by this stunning sunrise while enjoying some fresh milk tea and parathas😍 


Whenever I travel, I turn off the car ignition at red signals to be eco-friendly.

I enjoy spending time away from the normal hustle and bustle of life in the mountains out in nature. I love it even more when there is no cell reception as it forces you to disconnect. Last year I started backpacking, I would like to increase backpacking miles and nights year over year.

I enjoy spending time at the beaches close to my home 🏕️

The mountains near my home are a cherished retreat for me. Engaging in activities like hiking, camping, or simply soaking in the majestic views allows me to reconnect with nature and find peace. To ensure these pristine environments remain unspoiled, I'm mindful of leaving no trace, respecting wildlife, and supporting local conservation efforts.

Hello from a sunny Copenhagen!

Love the outdoors and often take my kids fishing in the river close by our house. Grow a lot of things in the backyard as well. This year we went a little overboard with the garlic and are currently porting 356 garlic plants…. :)

Since I work from my hometown, I tend to our small garden outside the house in the evenings. It truly helps me unwind after a day of work. 





Nature is to feed and sustain us 🥗 recharge our batteries 🔌 refresh our minds 😇 and give us memorable experiences ✨ Whether is walking the dog in the evening 🐕 skiing with the family in the winter 🎿 dabbling by the sea in summer 🌞 or biking with colleagues after work 🚴 Each experience serves as a reminder we also carry the heavy responsibility of taking care of Mother Earth 🌍



I enjoy the environment every evening during my evening walk wherein I am surrounded by trees and the breeze that blows by. Besides, on certain occasions, I indulge in adventure activities as a part of my quest to explore the surprises that mother nature holds for us.

Over the years, I have tried to NOT use paper napkins. I remember to carry my handkerchief all the times wherever I go.

cycling in this great nature to see green earth all around is my favorite.

i enjoy spending time in the forest near my house. Like to walk there and closes off my mind from all the daily life thoughts

National Parks! Essentially it’s a “Best of List” of the US. My favorite, thus far, is Glacier National Park. You’ve got to get out of the main areas (ie Logan Pass) to escape the crowds but once you do every hike is amazing. Best of the best is Siyeh Pass.


If you’re looking for solitude, where you can really appreciate nature, Isle Royale is awesome. Hike 2 miles away from the lodge and you’ll stop seeing people. Better yet, rent a canoe, and get out to the middle of the island. You can go all day without seeing anyone else. 

I love exploring nature with my three children! We visit our local parks, trails, and small hikes. 


We’ve also eliminated as many single-use items from our home as possible. No paper plates, no Ziploc bags, etc. We learned to compost and garden to help us honor our food resources more. It makes life with littles exciting, and it feels like we are ALWAYS cleaning, but it feels better not to create SO MUCH trash. We once went an entire summer with only needing to take our trash cans to the curb once!