👻 Spooky Season | Badge of the Month | October 2023 | XM Community
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👻 Spooky Season | Badge of the Month | October 2023

👻 Spooky Season | Badge of the Month | October 2023
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Livia B
Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 23 replies
  • October 3, 2023

Hi all, 


Like Amy, watching Wednesday with kids . It is spooky enough for me, and also for them, as they are young, 9 and 6y old. Otherwise, horrors are too scary for me, Wednesday is at the limit :))))). 

Wishing a nice spooky month to those who celebrate Haloween. In Slovakia we dont celebrate that, but as its an international theme, we sometimes attend parties prepared with spooky costumes in October. 


I love reading everyone’s posts on this thread! 

Not super into spooky or scary stuff myself, but one of my favorite things about October is the return of Charlie Brown and all of the holiday specials still to come this autumn and winter 🤓

For me, the music of Vince Guaraldi is very sentimental and the best part of Charlie Brown 🧡🎃


Level 4 ●●●●
tannerfaragher wrote:

I love this time of year! Something my family and I will do to celebrate the spooky season will be to go to Disneyland’s Oogie Boogie Bash. My wife and I went last year to see how it was, and we were blown away with how fun it was! They close the park down and let you trick or treat with lots of Disney villains, all while being able to go on the rides with reduced wait times and enjoy everything else there is to offer! We’ll take our two children this time around and are excited for my daughter to experience trick or treating for the first time! 

So jealous!  This is on my bucket list - I’ll go one day!  Please enjoy...and maybe share a picture or two once you’re back!  :)

Level 4 ●●●●

I would have said I’m not into spooky/scary things...but then I wanted to respond to multiple of the questions.  So maybe I am?  

Spooky movie/TV show?

  • Like many others on this thread, we watched Wednesday as a family and thoroughly enjoyed.  My kids also look forward to watching the Hocus Pocus and Goosebumps movies in October.
  • My husband’s favorite movie of all time is Cabin in the Woods, so we’ll usually watch that.  That about the limit of what I can tolerate.  
  • I am an escape room nerd (31 and counting) and so I usually rewatch the two “Escape Room” movies this month  They’re classified as horror but because they deal with a subject I like, they somehow don’t feel too scary to me?

Spooky book? 

  • I am also a Stephen King fan.  This year I read Fairy Tale, but I think my favorite of his is The Stand.  I’ve read it 5 times and enjoy it more each time (although I will admit, this book took on a new depth when I read it at the beginning of the COVID pandemic). Can’t wait to pick up his latest, Holly.

Spooky activity?

  • We are lucky to live in an area with great Halloween options for kids.  This weekend, we’ll be heading to our local living history museum where they do a Headless Horseman hayride.  The little guy and I ride when it is light out so that it is less scary, and the girls go with their dad after dark for a spookier experience.  After the ride, we’ll be able to partake in corn mazes, see the movie Sleepy Hollow, and other fun stuff. 
  • Our Children’s Museum does a Haunted House every year.  We’ll hit that next weekend.  The “lights on” version is my speed, and honestly what my kids prefer.  It’s neat to walk through each room and really be able to appreciate the theming/decorations with the lights on.  And candy.  Candy is good too.  

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●

My favorite spooky movie is Conjuring and Haunting of the hill house

Nam Nguyen
QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 1090 replies
  • October 4, 2023

I don't really like horror movies that involve ghosts, demons, or possession. Those kind of horror plots actually make me uncomfortable. However, I do enjoy monster movies directed by Guillermo del Toro. His films have such creative and detailed monster designs. Del Toro crafts monster characters that feel like real beings with depth and it’s own fascinating story, unlike the generic one.


Sachin Nandikol
QPN Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • QPN Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 456 replies
  • October 4, 2023

The best spooky tv shows that I have watched are Sabrina & American Horror Story

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • QPN Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 357 replies
  • October 4, 2023

I’m not into very scary stuff. The “spooky” movie I remember fondly is The Nightmare before Christmas.

And to be honest, there’s been years were I would hide in the basement with upstairs lights turned off to fend off trick & treaters… 😳 Since I had my kids though, I’ve been enjoying and participating in this time of the year much more. :)

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 297 replies
  • October 4, 2023

I always love spooky season (which also includes hot cider, fall leaves, the baseball postseason and football)--and I will always hold “Young Frankenstein” as the greatest spooky season movie of all time!


Young Frankenstein (1974) - Puttin’ On The Ritz [HD] - YouTube

QPN Level 5 ●●●●●

Thanks all for sharing your choices, surely have a new watch list for this month 😀

Here are some of my recommendations:

  1. Final Destination (loved each part)
  2. Scream
  3. Mirrors
  4.  Dahmer (Netflix series)

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 101 replies
  • October 5, 2023

Can't believe so many posts in so few days on this thread!

I'm in @ashleigh_quaill camp in that there is no Halloween tradition in the Netherlands other than it having been picked up by businesses as a commercial theme to sell stuff. And so because we don't have a spooky season I'm posting 3 of my favourite spooke (scary?) films! 
😇 The Exorcist (1973)
💀 Alien (1979)
😮 The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 328 replies
  • October 6, 2023

Hello from a rainy Sweden!

Loooove horror movies and spooky and a little weird movies. 

This year I havent seen much so reading through this thread gave me a LOT of material I need to check out. I also realized that I need to revisit American Horror Story that I stopped watching during season 2. 

In 2023 the two movies/TV shows that stood out has been Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities, and the Netflix series on Jeffrey Dahmer. 

The first not because it was particularly scary, but I enjoy strange and unusual tales like this. Like the old Twilight Zone episodes that I also LOVE!

Dahmer was great because it gave a very good insight into a truly chilling and uncomfortable person. 


Thanks for all the nice recommendations! :)

Level 2 ●●
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 9 replies
  • October 9, 2023

I haven’t really watched too many new movies in 2023, especially those that fall within the “spooky” category.  The only one I can think of was a movie called ‘Exists’, which was about a group of friends who encounter Bigfoot on a camping trip.  The acting/plot weren’t that great, but Bigfoot himself was pretty creepy in the movie. 

Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 57 replies
  • October 9, 2023

Task: Answer any of these questions...


No One Will Save You has been my favorite horror movie I have seen this year. I thought it was going to be your typical “final girl” horror movie, but I was legit freaked out when the alien invaded her house. I am typically a bit blasé about horror films but this one was very suspenseful and super creepy.  


Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 633 replies
  • October 10, 2023

‘The Grudge’ released in 2004, I watched it this year and now it is one of my favourite movie.  SAW and Final destination are other movies that I watched and would recommend these as well.

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 15 replies
  • October 10, 2023

I’m generally scared of spooky things, I’m afraid (!) I wouldn’t have recommendations.

I reckon I will be able to use recommendations here to try them out  😱😄

  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 276 replies
  • October 10, 2023

@Caroline_L I usually recommend Bates Motel for people who are typically scared of gory movies/ TV shows because it’s more of a psychological sort of spooky rather than gory, for the most part. It’s a very well done show in my opinion!

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 6 replies
  • October 11, 2023

Hey everyone. My favorite spooky book that I read this year was The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward. I recommend going into it not knowing very much, but it is highly atmospheric and very creepy once you start to realize what’s happening. 

QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 37 replies
  • October 11, 2023

What’s your favorite spooky movie or TV show that you watched in 2023?

My two favorite horror franchises are Insidious and Conjuring. Even after several viewings, I can't help hiding under a blanket and letting out little squeals when there's a jumpscare. The wonderful thing is that these two franchises contain several films. So it's possible to fall in love with the characters and watch them evolve, all the while maintaining a spooky atmosphere. 


Beyond that, my discovery of 2023 is undoubtedly the series FROM available on Paramount +. Not only is this series captivating from start to finish, but the season finale brings more questions than answers to those we already had.I recommend it to anyone who loves horror suspense, a MUST that is now in my TOP 3 favorite series of all time! 



Level 4 ●●●●
  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 31 replies
  • October 12, 2023

I loooooove watching “The Nightmare before Christmas” and “Corpse Bride” this season 👻



QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 122 replies
  • October 12, 2023
lmejiav wrote:

I love the 80´s spooky energy  and thats why I love Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice. This was my first aproach to deep dive in Burton’s fantastic work.



I’m a Tim Burton great fan !
(He’s Batman is the best one !)


If I had to choose only one for Halloween, tt would be Sweeney Todd !

I was not attracted at first because it’s a musical but it’s a masterpiece

Level 5 ●●●●●
  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • 225 replies
  • October 16, 2023

My preferred chilling read for 2023 involves immersing myself in the captivating works of both Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft. Their mastery of the horror genre continues to be a source of immense enjoyment.

Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 638 replies
  • October 16, 2023

Criminal Minds addict here. I was hoping that another season of Criminal Minds: Evolution would be released this year. But with the happenings in Hollywood that is highly unlikely. Thankful this thread got me to Google it and confirm there will be a 17th season at some point.


I’m also not a huge fan of things horror or too thriller. I need a nice simple thriller that works your mind and not the jump scares. We often find a lot of weird not hugely popular movies on Hulu to satisfy that.

For activities I am looking forward to a Frenchie meet up. The dogs will be dressed in costumes this month. If I’m not lazy my brown one will be dressed up like a baked potato and my pied (white with black spots) will be dressed up like a cow… honestly she looks like one already so we might just need to add a Eat More Chicken sign to her :)

  • Level 4 ●●●●
  • 61 replies
  • October 16, 2023

Hi, sharing some of the Horror podcasts that i listen.

  1. Kaali awaazein narrated by Mr. Amitabh Bachchan on Audible.
  2. Bhoot kaal narrated by Mr. Nilesh Mishra on Audible.
  3. Chuppe Saaye on Audible
  4. The other Stories on Spotify.
  5. Creepypasta jr on youtube (Technically not a podcasts but you can play them while driving)
  6. Darr and kya woh Sach tha on Headfone app.
  7. Zara Khauff se suno on Spotify

Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 16 replies
  • October 17, 2023

Love Spooky season for sure. My favorite activity is to decorate outside for the trick or treaters. I try and add something new every year. I added a creepy gnome that’s eyes light up this year. I also love trick or treating with the family. My daughter is loves Halloween too. This year I think she’s dressing up like Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice.